Blogger Templates

Monday 31 October 2011

Famous - by Naomi Shihab Nye

The river is famous to the fish.

The loud voice is famous to silence,   
which knew it would inherit the earth   
before anybody said so.   

The cat sleeping on the fence is famous to the birds   
watching him from the birdhouse.   

The tear is famous, briefly, to the cheek.   

The idea you carry close to your bosom   
is famous to your bosom.   

The boot is famous to the earth,   
more famous than the dress shoe,   
which is famous only to floors.

The bent photograph is famous to the one who carries it   
and not at all famous to the one who is pictured.   

I want to be famous to shuffling men   
who smile while crossing streets,   
sticky children in grocery lines,   
famous as the one who smiled back.

I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous,   
or a buttonhole, not because it did anything spectacular,   
but because it never forgot what it could do.   
posted by , azureen ibrahim

Thursday 13 October 2011

Death In Family

They call it stroke.
Two we loved were stunned
by that same blow of cudgel
or axe to the brow.
Lost on the earth
they left our circle

One spent five months
falling from our grasp
mute, her grace, wit,
beauty erased.
Her green eyes gazed at us
as if asking, as if aware,
as if hers. One night
she slipped away;
machinery of mercy
brought her back 
to die more slowly. 
At long last
she escaped.

Our collie dog
fared better. 
A lesser creature, she
had to spend only one day
drifting and reeling,
her brown eyes 
beseeching. Then she
was tenderly lifted,
laid on a table,
praised, petted 
and set free.

officially created by, Julie Hill Alger

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Matluthfi- new album

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Sunday 9 October 2011

inikah cinta?? =x ada untuku

Pengarang: Nurman
saat ku mencari cinta
cinta yang selama ini kudamba
tak pernah kubayangkan sebelumnya
jika yang kudapat hanya luka

kenapa selalu aku yang kalah
terjatuh, terinjak dan teraniaya
oLeh kejamnya cinta yang sempurna

inikah cinta??
yang katanya buat kita bahagia
inikah cinta??
rasa yang hanya bisa buat kita terluka

tak adakah cinta untuk ku
yang bisa terangkan langkahku
tak adakah cinta untuk ku
yang bisa kuatkan aku

posted by, syahirah najwa


Pengarang: Jojo
aku tak peduli seberapa besar maupun kecilnya
rasa bencimu padaku. . .
dan aku tidak memintamu untuk tidak membenciku. . .
tapi aku peduli seberapa besar maupun kecil

rasa sayangmu padaku. . .
jika memang dirimu menginginkan diriku
dekat denganmu
selalu mendampingimu, selalu di sisimu. . .
aku akan selalu senantiasa bersamamu. . .

akan tetapi jika dirimu tidak menginginkan diriku
untuk selalu di dekatmu. . .
aku akan dengan ikhlas hati melepas dirimu. . .
karena aku tidak mau kehadiranku
membuatmu menjadi tidak nyaman dan merasa risih. . .
posted by, syahirah najwa

hanyalah khayalan

Pengarang: Sanca Boy
Hatiku sangatlah senang……
sangatlah gembira……
Sangatlah berbahagia……
Karna kau t’lah jadi milikku.
Badanmu yang indah mendekatiku……
Tanganmu yang halus menggenggam tanganku……
Bibirmu yang manis berbicara denganku……
Oh, betapa senangnya hati ini……
Namun sayang……
Itu hanyalah hayalan……
Yang tak akan terjadi……
Hingga akhir zaman
posted by , syahirah najwa

gores rindu

Pengarang: Rafiqa Humaira
lara hitam menikam kalbu
perih tersayat dalam pilu
diam dan bisu
hanya trgumam lirih bisik dalam detak suara

tarian angin menghempas getaran jiwa
beradu dalam ores rindu sang dilema
siapa peduli risauku?
bahkan deru ombak lari tak sanggup
pecahkan karang luka dalam derita

sanggupkah pupuskan asa, dalam rindu membelai jiwa
sanggupkah torehkan cahaya dalam gelap, menanti lentera
sanggupkah? diam seribu bahasa….

posted by, syahirah najwa


Pengarang: B Tty
selintas bayangan mu
menghantui hidup ku
kenapa kau tak pergi saja

aku muak
aku tau aku bimbang
aku tau kau penghianat
masih membekas luka ini
kau pergi dan hancurkan harapanku

aku sakit
apa kau rasakan itu????
tidakah kau tau aku terkapar
lemparan itu mengenai hatiku
hancur berkeping

kenapa terjadi
aku sudah seperti hilang kendali
pergi saja
terserah padamu.

posted by, syahirah najwa

fotomu masih tersenyum

Pengarang: Bana
sudah lama perpisahan ini
kubuka kenangan,ada fotomu
tersenyum abadi masih kusimpan

tak ingin kubuang,dan kubakar
hanya kau kenapa pilih pergi selamanya

tak pamit
tak salam
tak ada kabar
masuk dunia baru yang ada surga

fotomu masih tersenyum

posted by, syahirah najwa

dalam cinta sang fajar

Pengarang: Ibnukus
Aku terpesona
Engkaukah itu?
Ah …tidak seperti biasa?
Sebab dulu dirimu putih…
Sebab dirimu dulu begitu lembut….
Sebab dirimu dulu begitu sunyi…

Bukan kah engkau telah mengatakan?
Aku adalah kedamian
Aku adalah adalah kecerahan
Aku adalah kelembutan
Aku adalah kesunyian

Aku tetap terpesona
Walau dirimu telah berubah
Walau dirimu telah berganti
Melalui pagi yang cerah
Dalam dekapan cinta sang fajar

posted by, syahirah najwa

cukup sampai di sini

Pengarang: Agung Dwi Susanto
Kebohongan itu begitu itu indah saat keluar dari bibirmu,..
Penghianatan itu terlihat sangat wajar jika kamu yang melakukannya,..
Begitu mudah kau kuburkan cerita indah kita..
Begitu mudah kamu berkata… kita “cukup sampai disini”.
Aku seperti kehilangan kaki untuk berdiri
Aku seperti kehilangan mata untuk melihat
Bagaimana cara aku melupakan kamu…
Harus dimana aku tempatkan diri ini jika bertemu kamu…
Yang aku tau, janji dan impian kita tak mungkin lagi bisa terwujud,..
Yang aku tau semua hal yang dulu manis, kini berubah menjadi sangat menyakitkan..
Entah mengapa kamu berubah hati padaku..
Entah mengapa tak ada kesempatan kedua untukku..
Entah mengapa begitu mudah kamu putuskan cinta kita..
Bahkan entah mengapa sampai saat ini kamu tak pernah katakan, apa salahku..
Padahal sudah kugantungkan seluruh harapanku padamu..
Padahal sudah kuserahkan segalanya untuk kamu..
Walau kadang terkesan hati ini mengiba atas cintamu..
Entahlah, mungkin memang semua ini harus berakhir sampai disini..
Mengapa aku berfikir, jalan ini terlalu pahit dan rumit untuk kulalui…
Mengapa kadang aku berfikir tak ada lagi hari yang harus aku lalui..
Apakah harus kuakhiri hidup sampai disini..
Mungkin, lebih baik aku mati…
Aku kecewa..
Aku putus asa..

posted by, syahirah najwa

cinta yang hilang

Pengarang: Lia Salsabila
Semilir angin kian lembab
Lahirkan titik titik embun diujung dedaun
Jangkrik bersiul merdu
Sayup suara Ku Ku si burung hantu
Suasana malam yang kian pekat nan senyap
Temaniku dalam pilu

Aku tergugu
Gejolak rindu seolah membeku
Rembulan yang tinggal separuh
Mengintip dari celah jendela kamarku
Dia pun terlihat agak sendu
Meski tetap tersenyum merayu
Seolah dia tahu gundahku
Oh rembulan
Tahukah engkau diujung langit mana dia terbang
Tak satupun nampak jejak juga bayang
Masihkah rindu ini harus ku genggam
Hingga sampai saat itu menjelang

Aku mencintainya sepenuh hati
Amat merinduinya meski telah pergi

Ku hanya ingin bertatap
Walau hanya sekejap
Namun itu takkan mungkin terjadi
Tidakkah seharusnya rasa ini telah mati
Dan sirna dari hati ini
Namun dia tetap bertahta di palung sanubari


posted by, syahirah najwa


Pengarang: Putri Rizky
Oh Tuhan yang maha
Jika ada yang harus menangis hari ini
Maka pasti akulah orangnya
Aku hilang diri tanpa ada yang peduli
Dalam pagi yang sunyi dan tak berarti
Dia telah curi aku dari diriku
Dia telah ambil hati dan jiwaku
Tanpa permisi atau salam basa-basi
Dia pergi tanpa memberi janji kembali
Dia lari membawa apa yang kumiliki
Oh, kapan dia akan kembali?
Karena hatiku telah terpaut pada tapak-tapak kakinya

posted by, syahirah najwa

Cemburu- Pengarang: Anonim

Rasa cemburu ini,
tiba-tiba muncul di saat aku menyaksikan langsung kau di rangkul oleh orang laen selain aku,
Aku tak mampu berbuat apa-apa,
Aku tak mampu mencegahnya,

Aku sadar,
aku bukanlah kekasihmu,
Yang pantas mengurusi masalah pribadimu,

Meskipun aku sangat mencintaimu,
Rasa cintaku ini, tak mampu aku luapkan kepadamu,,

Biarlah, aku sendiri yang merasakan semua ini,
Biarlah,, rasa cintaku padamu aku pendam di dada ini,
Dan rasa cemburu yang begitu besar ini,
Biarlah menghiasi dan berlalu dengan sendiri…
posted by, syahirah najwa

Dia dan cintanya….Pengarang: Adhi

Aku bukanlah embun pagi yang ada ketika kamu
Membuka jendela kamar dikala pagi
Aku bukanlah lagu penuntun tidurmu
dikala kamu mulai terlelap dan tidur
Tapi kenyataannya apa ?
kamu liat Aku sekarang?
Aku bagaikan daun yang terhempas angin
tanpa tahu kemana arah dan tujuan aku pergi
Biarkanlah aku pergi jauh
meniggalkan semua kenangan tentang dirimu
walaupun itu aku tidak akan lupa
akan dirimu dan semua kenangan yang kau berikan
aku harap kemana sajaku pergi
kamu akan ingat slalu ingat setiap kata, ucapan
dan tentang semuanya yang pernah keluar dari bibirku
dan semua hal dan sikapku terhadapmu semata-mata
karena aku sangat sayang dan cinta kepadamu

posted by, syahirah najwa

Messy Room- Shel Silverstin

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

posted by, syahirah najwa

Cinta Yang Tak Akan Kembali- Pengarang: Naruto Ariga








posted by, syahirah najwa

14 Februari - Pengarang: Taufik

14 Februari,
Mereka bilang ini hari yang suci
Dan dengan segenap jiwa
Aku berdoa

14 Februari,
Berharap ia mengerti
Tentang apa yang kurasa
Bahwa aku sungguh cinta

14 Februari,
Adakah ia tau
Bahwa sampai nanti aku mati
Aku kan mencintainya slalu

14 FebruaRi
Hari ini aku berjanji
Atas nama cinta
Akan setia untuknya

Aku tau
Ada yang pisahkan kita
Setitik dinding itu
Bukanlah apa-apa

Pada kekuatan cinta
Kita tak kan kalah
Selama kita tetap bersama

Dan hari ini
14 Februari
Saatnya aku sematkan
Apa yang kurasa
Bersenandung dalam asa
Berharap bukan mimpi
Cinta kita akan abadi

posted by, syahirah najwa

10 Alasan Mencintaimu- Pengarang: Odecya

Aku butuh teman untuk melalui
Aku butuh kawan untuk berbagi

Aku butuh bayangan untuk mengikuti
Aku butuh mentari untuk menerangi

Aku butuh air untuk menyirami
Aku butuh pohon untuk meneduhi

Aku butuh pagi setelah gelap hari
Aku butuh tempat untuk kudiami

Aku butuh tersenyum setelah bersedih
Aku butuh hati untuk disayangi

Untuk itulah kuingin kau tetap disini
Hingga kelak kujadikan seorang istri

posted by, syahirah najwa

Ketika Kau Sadar Esok Pagi- Pengarang: Dyan Radhitya

Ketika kau sadar pagi esok….
Mungkin aku telah menjadi udara pagi yang kau hirup
Karena sang waktu yang tak izinkanku untuk temui kau esok lusa

Ketika kau bangun malam nanti….
Mungkin aku telah menjadi bintang di langitmu
Karena rapuhku yang tak mampu melawan waktu

Ketika kau terjaga saat ini….
Mungkin aku telah ungkapkan segalanya padamu
Karena tipisnya sabarku untuk terus menunggu

Dan ketika kau tersipu waktu itu
Ternyata engkau telah tahu,
Pesonamu telah mengikat erat mataku

Meski sekejab,
Terima kasih telah izinkan aku untuk mencintai segala tentangmu

posted by, syahirah najwa

Kekasih Sempurna- Pengarang: Anonim

Setiap malam ku tatap bulan
saat menatap bulan teringat dirimu..
Saat ku bayangkan wajahmu
teringat senyummu..
Betapa cantiknya dirimu saat terpantul cahaya
ngelihatkan cantik sucimu..
Diri ini terasa bahagia
saat kau balas senyumanku..
Hati ini berdetub kencang
saat kau mendekat dengan senyum manismu..
Bibir ini tak bisa mengucapkan kata
hanya berdiam saja..
posted by, syahirah najwa

Karnamu Cinta- Pengarang: Agnesya Amanda

kebahagiaanku smakin tak terkira…
sedihku mnjadi ssuatu yg indah ….
diriku berbunga-bunga ….
hatiku mrsa damai …
deritaku terlupakan ….
karnamu cinta….
cobaan ini tak membebankan …
karnamu cinta…
hari2ku bahagia…
tiadamu …
sedihku menjadi ssuatu yg mnyakitkan …
deritaku sllu terfikirkan …
datanglah kmbali…
temani hari2 ku …
obati lukaku …
hanya kau yg mampu ….

posted by, syahirah najwa

Kamu- Pengarang: Bagas

kamu …
ketika kali pertama kutahu
walau hanya dalam sebentuk nama
entah kenapa …?
relung jiwa ini begitu berimajinasi
membentuk sebuah lukisan raut jelita
memahat sesosok dara lemah gemulai
kamu …
kini selalu hadir dalam anganku
begitu menggoda jiwaku
hanya itu yang kutahu tentangmu
ingin rasanya ku bertemu
namun …
ada batas antara ruang dn waktu
ohhh ..
hanya kamu gadis mayaku

posted by, syahirah najwa

Hanya Mampu- Pengarang: Tdomf

aku mencintaimu
aku menyayangimu
aku merindukanmu
hanya itu yg mampu ku ucapkan

akan kupertahankan
sebesar cinta yang aku punya
akan kujaga meski jalanku berujung jurang..

posted by, syahirah najwa

Gadis Suci- Pengarang: Sanca Boy

Buat : Gadis Suciku

kain suci menutupi auratmu….
kebaikan menjadi perinsipmu. dan…
senyum senantiasa menghiasi bibirmu.
gadis suci itulah julukanmu.

gadis berjilbab itulah panggilanmu
yang kan terus terukir dalam hatiku….

oh malaikatku…..
kau sungguh makhluk terindah dalam bumi
yang mampu menerangi hatiku yang gelap

oh malaikatku…..
kau telah merasuki relung hatiku……
dengan kecantikan hatimu

oh malaikatku…..
ku terpana padamu….
sejak pertama ku memandangmu.

posted by, syahirah najwa

Dia- Pengarang: Ale Cool

Dia lembut seperti kapas
Dia indah bagaikan malaikat bersayap yang turun dari langit
Dia anugerah terindah yang ada di hidupku

Wajahnya meneduhkan jiwaku yang rapuh
Tutur katanya menenangkan hatiku yang bimbang
Senyumnya menghiasai hari – hariku
Dan canda tawanya menghangatkan suasana di hidupku

Aku mencintainya…
Aku menyayanginya…
Aku mengasihinya….
Sepanjang hidupku….

Karenanya aku bisa mengenal cinta
Karenanya aku mengerti artinya hidup
Dan karenanya pula aku dapat merasakan indahnya hidup
Terima kasih Tuhan…

Kau telah kirimkan dia untukku
Walau aku tak memilikinya
Aku bahagia telah mengenalnya

posted by, syahirah najwa

Cinta Tanpa Rencana- Pengarang: Anonim

Saat aku ada di dekatmu
Rasa nyaman hinggap di benakku
Saat aku sendiri dan butuh teman berbagi
Sosok dirimu yang kucari

Pertamanya ku tak menyangka
Ku anggap dirimu hanya teman saja
Kupikir rasa ini hanya sekedar kekaguman sosokmu semata
Ternyata semua ini adalah cinta

Terbersit gundah saat kusadari
Bahwa semua rasa ini tak biasa
Ingin kumenyatakannya
Namun kutakut merusak rasa yang sudah terbiasa ada
Bukan di diriku… Tapi di dirimu…

posted by, syahirah najwa

A Girl - Ezra Pound

The tree has entered my hands, 
The sap has ascended my arms, 
The tree has grown in my breast- 
The branches grow out of me, like arms. 

Tree you are, 
Moss you are, 
You are violets with wind above them. 
A child - so high - you are, 
And all this is folly to the world.

posted by, syahirah najwa

Aku, Kau Dan Dia- Pengarang: Novie

Aku sayang kamu
Kamu sayang aku…
Aku sayang dia
Dia juga sayang padaku
Aku, Kau dan Dia…
Terikat dalam Cinta Segitiga
Aku tau ini tak adil untukmu dan dia
Maafkan aku membohongi Kau dan Dia
Aku bingung harus bagaimana
Aku sayang kau dan dia
Aku, Kau dan Dia
dan tak seharusnya cinta segitiga ini terjadi

posted by, syahirah najwa

Aku Memilihmu- Pengarang: Kenz T

Aku memilihmu…
Untuk menemani di kala siang tak bermentari
Saat malam tak berbintang
Agar dapat terangiku dengan senyuman

Aku memilihmu…
Saat terik sinar menyengat dan membakar
Ketika bulan sabit atau purnama
Untuk temaniku menyusuri dunia

Aku memilihmu…
Dengan hati yang tak memilih waktu
Sepenuh cinta tanpa masa
Semenjak harap masih mendengung hampa

posted by, syahirah najwa

Aku Kini Dan Jika -Pengarang: Alpha Charlie

.seperti apa yang telah hujan janjikan padaku.
.seperti apa yang telah awan simpankan untukku.
.seperti apa yang telah gugusan gunung jagakan untukku.
.kini kudapati sebuah jiwa yang dulu tak pernah bernyawa.

.kini kudekap sebentuk hati yang dulu hampa.
.aku mencintainya bukan dengan separuh asaku.
.melainkan dengan separuh nyawaku.
.aku menyayanginya bukan dengan separuh rinduku.

.melainkan dengan separuh otakku.
.aku menyanjungnya bukan dengan separuh naluriku.
.melainkan dengan separuh ragaku.
.dan kini.

.jikalau ia akan berlari jauh.
.jikalau ia telah penat dengan segala yang ia berikan padaku.
.ia curahkan untukku.
.mungkin ia akan membawa.
.separuh nyawaku.

.separuh otakku.
.dan, separuh ragaku.
.dan jika ia telah benar-benar menghilang.
.ia akan menjadi dongeng yang akan kuceritakan.
.pada bintang yang selalu gantikan ia menjagaku terlelap.

.pada angin yang gantikan ia membelaiku dimalam.
.dan pada gugusan gunung yang selalu tegap berdiri.
.melihatku dan nya mengukir senyum.
.merajut sayang.
.menggumpal cinta.

posted by, syahirah najwa

Aku Dan Bintang -Pengarang: Anonim

Aku mencintaimu,
seperti malam mencintai bintang.

Tanpa bintang,
malam hanyalah gelap.
tiada aku sempurna

posted by, syahirah najwa

Aku Cinta Padamu- Pengarang: Pungky

Jika malam semakin kelam,,,

hati ini tertikam kehidupan,,

jika usai bayang mu mengusik kalbu ,,,

maka tidak salah bukan,,,

jika kubisikan perlahan bahwa,,,,

Aku Cinta Padamu,,,,

posted by, syahirah najwa

aku anak merdeka

Kalau Tuan pergi ke kedai
Belikan saya buah keranji
Kalau tuan bijak pandai
Apa binatang keris di kaki?

Ada sebiji roda pedati
Bentuknya bulat daripada besi
Bila bermain diikat sekuat hati
Dilempar hidup dipegang mati?

Buah budi bedara mengkal
Masak sebiji di tepi pantai
Hilang budi bicara akal
Buah apa tidak bertangkai?

Burung nuri burung dara
Terbang ke sisi taman kayangan
Cubalah teka wahai saudara
Semakin diisi makin ringan?

Bunga orkid indah warnanya
Penyeri taman dan juga hutan
Ramai orang datang bertanya
Bintang apa hidup di lautan?

Pak Pung Pak Mustafa
Encik Dollah dirumahnya
Ada tepung ada kelapa
Gula Melaka jadi intinya

Kelip-kelip kusangka api
Kalau api mana asapnya?
Hilang ghaib disangkakan mati
Kalau mati mana kuburnya?

Budak-budak bermain batu
Batu dikira satu persatu
Badannya lurus bermata satu
Ekornya tajam apakah itu?

Jika tuan membeli tikar
Tikar anyaman dari mengkuang
Kalau Tuan bijak pintar
Ular apa membelit pinggang?

Masak tumis sambal petai
Makan kenyang sambil sendawa
Anda menziarah sahabat handai
Buah apakah yang akan dibawa?

Pokoknya bulat dan juga rendang
Masam dan hijau ketika muda
Buahnya berbentuk seperti bintang
Sudah masak, kuninglah ia

Belayar perahu dari Bentan
Menyusur tepi Selat Melaka
Lebar kepala dari badan
Apakah ikan cubalah teka?

Mak Minah menanak minyak
Kemenyan dibakar dengan setanggi
Dua peha beranak banyak
Untuk mendaki tempat yang tinggi?

Orang bekerja diberikan upah
Hidangan disaji dalam talam
Gajah putih ditengah rumah
Layar terkembang di waktu malam?

Gigi berduri tatah bersigai
Pembelah kayu ia berguna
Jika tuan orang yang pandai
Benda apakah makannya dua cara?

Jika ke kedai pergi berbelanja
Belikan saya sudu dan senduk
Jika pandai katakan ia
Semakin berisi semakin menunduk?

Kalau tuan pakai lencana
Pakailah songkok di atas kepala
Kalau Tuan bijak laksana
Binatang apakah tiada kepala?

Pisau lipat dimainnya kera
Tangannya luka lalu terjun
Makan kuat tidak terkira
Kenyangnya tidak tahi bertimbun?

Minah ketawa terjerit-jerit
Melihat koyak pada seluar
Orang putih duduk sederet
Pagar didalam tebing diluar?

Tuan puteri belajar menari
Tari diajar oleh Pak Harun
Kalau Tuan bijak bestari
Apa yang naik tak pernah turun?

Senarai Jawapan

Jawapan 1 : Ayam
Jawapan 2 : Gasing
Jawapan 3 : Buah Melaka
Jawapan 4 : Belon
Jawapan 5 : Tapak Sulaiman
Jawapan 6 : Buah Melaka
Jawapan 7 : Kilat
Jawapan 8 : Jarum
Jawapan 9 : Tali Pinggang
Jawapan 10: Buah Tangan
Jawapan 11: Belimbing
Jawapan 12: Ikan Pari
Jawapan 13: Tangga
Jawapan 14; Kelambu
Jawapan 15: Gergaji
Jawapan 16: Padi
Jawapan 17: Ketam
Jawapan 18: Api
Jawapan 19: Gigi
Jawapan 20: Umur

daripada:contoh karangan pmr


Nature is mighty
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Nature is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free

created by 
Michael Carlson 

Pyrrhic Victory

White people
Black people
Yellow people
Brown people
Red people.

Homeless people
Humourless people
People who want to impress people
People who want to undress people.

Tired people
Wired people
Whacked people
Jacked-up people
Cracked-up people

People who want to thrill other people
People who want to kill other people

Displaced people everywhere
People crying in the streets, with
People dying in the streets
People shooting in the streets, with
People looting in the streets
People drug-dealing in the streets, with
People prostituting in the streets

People shaking heads all in despair-

Just what is the matter with all you faceless baseless
Prozac-addicted prosperity afflicted
warmongering religious and racial whoremongering
politicized pop culturally anethesthitised American

Some People

Life is a gift
life can be cruel
life can be kind
life can be hard
life can be tough.
life is mysterious
life is strange
life is complex
life is weird.
life has twists
life has turns
life has ups
life has downs.
life for good
life for bad
life for war
life for peace.
life and love
life and hate
life and growth
life and death. 

A Short p0em On Life

Life is a gift
life can be cruel
life can be kind
life can be hard
life can be tough.
life is mysterious
life is strange
life is complex
life is weird.
life has twists
life has turns
life has ups
life has downs.
life for good
life for bad
life for war
life for peace.
life and love
life and hate
life and growth
life and death. 

Video by Mat Luthfi - Made By Malaysians

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Farewell, Love

Farewell, Love, and all thy laws for ever:
Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more.
Senec and Plato call me from thy lore,
To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavour.
In blind error when I did persever,
Thy sharp repulse, that pricketh aye so sore,
Hath taught me to set in trifles no store,
And scape forth, since liberty is lever.
Therefore farewell, go trouble younger hearts,
And in me claim no more authority;
With idle youth go use thy property,
And thereon spend thy many brittle darts.
For, hitherto though I've lost my time,
Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb. 

officially created by Thomas Wyatt
                                                     posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol
by G.K.Chesterton

The Christ-child lay on Mary's lap,
His hair was like a light.
(O weary, weary were the world,
But here is all aright.)

The Christ-child lay on Mary's breast
His hair was like a star.
(O stern and cunning are the kings,
But here the true hearts are.)

The Christ-child lay on Mary's heart,
His hair was like a fire.
(O weary, weary is the world,
But here the world's desire.)

The Christ-child stood on Mary's knee,
His hair was like a crown,
And all the flowers looked up at Him,
And all the stars looked down

'A Christmas Carol' poem


The shepherds went their hasty way,
And found the lowly stable-shed
Where the Virgin-Mother lay:
And now they checked their eager tread,
For to the Babe, that at her bosom clung,
A Mother's song the Virgin-Mother sung.


They told her how a glorious light,
Streaming from a heavenly throng.
Around them shone, suspending night!
While sweeter than a mother's song,
Blest Angels heralded the Savior's birth,
Glory to God on high! and Peace on Earth.


She listened to the tale divine,
And closer still the Babe she pressed:
And while she cried, the Babe is mine!
The milk rushed faster to her breast:
Joy rose within her, like a summer's morn;
Peace, Peace on Earth! the Prince of Peace is born.


Thou Mother of the Prince of Peace,
Poor, simple, and of low estate!
That strife should vanish, battle cease,
O why should this thy soul elate?
Sweet Music's loudest note, the Poet's story,
Didst thou ne'er love to hear of fame and glory?


And is not War a youthful king,
A stately Hero clad in mail?
Beneath his footsteps laurels spring;
Him Earth's majestic monarchs hail
Their friends, their playmate! and his bold bright eye
Compels the maiden's love-confessing sigh.


Tell this in some more courtly scene,
To maids and youths in robes of state!
I am a woman poor and mean,
And wherefore is my soul elate.
War is a ruffian, all with guilt defiled,
That from the aged father's tears his child!


A murderous fiend, by fiends adored,
He kills the sire and starves the son;
The husband kills, and from her board
Steals all his widow's toil had won;
Plunders God's world of beauty; rends away
All safety from the night, all comfort from the day.


Then wisely is my soul elate,
That strife should vanish, battle cease:
I'm poor and of low estate,
The Mother of the Prince of Peace.
Joy rises in me, like a summer's morn:
Peace, Peace on Earth! The Prince of Peace is born!
A Christmas Carol
by G.K.Chesterton
 posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Hounting Morning

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Put the saddle on the mare,
For the wet winds blow;
There's winter in the air,
And autumn all below.
For the red leaves are flying
And the red bracken dying,
And the red fox lying
Where the oziers grow.

Put the bridle on the mare,
For my blood runs chill;
And my heart, it is there,
On the heather-tufted hill,
With the gray skies o'er us,
And the long-drawn chorus
Of a running pack before us
From the find to the kill.

Then lead round the mare,
For it's time that we began,
And away with thought and care,
Save to live and be a man,
While the keen air is blowing,
And the huntsman holloing,
And the black mare going
As the black mare can. 
  posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Video By Mat Luthfi- Serta Paksa

 posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Sunset

A SUNSET from 'Feuilles d'Automne'
Victor Hugo
I love the evenings, passionless and fair, I love the evens,
Whether old manor-fronts their ray with golden fulgence leavens,
In numerous leafage bosomed close;
Whether the mist in reefs of fire extend its reaches sheer,
Or a hundred sunbeams splinter in an azure atmosphere
On cloudy archipelagos.

Oh, gaze ye on the firmament! a hundred clouds in motion,
Up-piled in the immense sublime beneath the winds' commotion,
Their unimagined shapes accord:
Under their waves at intervals flame a pale levin through,
As if some giant of the air amid the vapors drew
A sudden elemental sword.

The sun at bay with splendid thrusts still keeps the sullen fold;
And momently at distance sets, as a cupola of gold,
The thatched roof of a cot a-glance;
Or on the blurred horizon joins his battle with the haze;
Or pools the blooming fields about with inter-isolate blaze,
Great moveless meres of radiance.

Then mark you how there hangs athwart the firmament's swept track,
Yonder a mighty crocodile with vast irradiant back,
A triple row of pointed teeth?
Under its burnished belly slips a ray of eventide,
The flickerings of a hundred glowing clouds in tenebrous side
With scales of golden mail ensheathe.

Then mounts a palace, then the air vibrates--the vision flees.
Confounded to its base, the fearful cloudy edifice
Ruins immense in mounded wrack;
Afar the fragments strew the sky, and each envermeiled cone
Hangeth, peak downward, overhead, like mountains overthrown
When the earthquake heaves its hugy back.

These vapors, with their leaden, golden, iron, bronzèd glows,
Where the hurricane, the waterspout, thunder, and hell repose,
Muttering hoarse dreams of destined harms,-
'Tis God who hangs their multitude amid the skiey deep,
As a warrior that suspendeth from the roof-tree of his keep
His dreadful and resounding arms!

All vanishes! The Sun, from topmost heaven precipitated,
Like a globe of iron which is tossed back fiery red
Into the furnace stirred to fume,
Shocking the cloudy surges, plashed from its impetuous ire,
Even to the zenith spattereth in a flecking scud of fire
The vaporous and inflamèd spaume.

O contemplate the heavens! Whenas the vein-drawn day dies pale,
In every season, every place, gaze through their every veil?
With love that has not speech for need!
Beneath their solemn beauty is a mystery infinite:
If winter hue them like a pall, or if the summer night
Fantasy them starre brede. 

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Azure And Gold

April had covered the hills
With flickering yellows and reds,
The sparkle and coolness of snow
Was blown from the mountain beds.

Across a deep-sunken stream
The pink of blossoming trees,
And from windless appleblooms
The humming of many bees.

The air was of rose and gold
Arabesqued with the song of birds
Who, swinging unseen under leaves,
Made music more eager than words.

Of a sudden, aslant the road,
A brightness to dazzle and stun,
A glint of the bluest blue,
A flash from a sapphire sun.

Blue-birds so blue, 't was a dream,
An impossible, unconceived hue,
The high sky of summer dropped down
Some rapturous ocean to woo.

Such a colour, such infinite light!
The heart of a fabulous gem,
Many-faceted, brilliant and rare.
Centre Stone of the earth's diadem!.

Centre Stone of the Crown of the World,
"Sincerity" graved on your youth!
And your eyes hold the blue-bird flash,
The sapphire shaft, which is truth. 

officially created by,
Amy Lowell

posted by, azureen ibrahim


Cold in the earth—and the deep snow piled above thee,
Far, far removed, cold in the dreary grave!
Have I forgot, my only Love, to love thee,
Severed at last by Time's all-severing wave?

Now, when alone, do my thoughts no longer hover
Over the mountains, on that northern shore,
Resting their wings where heath and fern-leaves cover
That noble heart for ever, ever more?

Cold in the earth, and fifteen wild Decembers
From those brown hills have melted into spring:
Faithful indeed is the spirit that remembers
After such years of change and suffering!

Sweet Love of youth, forgive if I forget thee,
While the world's tide is bearing me along:
Sterner desires and other hopes beset me,
Hopes which obscure, but cannot do thee wrong!

No later light has lightened up my heaven;
No second morn has ever shone for me:
All my life's bliss from thy dear life was given,
All my life's bliss is in the grave with thee.

But when the days of golden dreams had perished,
And even Despair was powerless to destroy,
Then did I learn how existence could be cherished,
Strengthened, and fed without the aid of joy;

Then did I check the tears of useless passion,
Weaned my young soul from yearning after thine;
Sternly denied its burning wish to hasten
Down to that tomb already more than mine.

And even yet I dare not let it languish,
Dare not indulge in Memory's rapturous pain;
Once drinking deep of that divinest anguish,
How could I seek the empty world again?

officially created by, 
Emily Bronte

posted by, azureen ibrahim


Nor dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all;
Many times he died,
Many times rose again.
A great man in his pride
Confronting murderous men
Casts derision upon
Supersession of breath;
He knows death to the bone
Man has created death. 
officially created by, 
William Butler Yeats

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Our Little Ghost

Oft in the silence of the night,
When the lonely moon rides high,
When wintry winds are whistling,
And we hear the owl's shrill cry,
In the quiet, dusky chamber,
By the flickering firelight,
Rising up between two sleepers,
Comes a spirit all in white.

A winsome little ghost it is,
Rosy-cheeked, and bright of eye;
With yellow curls all breaking loose
From the small cap pushed awry.
Up it climbs among the pillows,
For the "big dark" brings no dread,
And a baby's boundless fancy
Makes a kingdom of a bed.

A fearless little ghost it is;
Safe the night seems as the day;
The moon is but a gentle face,
And the sighing winds are gay.
The solitude is full of friends,
And the hour brings no regrets;
For, in this happy little soul,
Shines a sun that never sets.

A merry little ghost it is,
Dancing gayly by itself,
On the flowery counterpane,
Like a tricksy household elf;
Nodding to the fitful shadows,
As they flicker on the wall;
Talking to familiar pictures,
Mimicking the owl's shrill call.

A thoughtful little ghost if is;
And, when lonely gambols tire,
With chubby hands on chubby knees,
It sits winking at the fire.
Fancies innocent and lovely
Shine before those baby-eyes,
Endless fields of dandelions,
Brooks, and birds, and butterflies.

A loving little ghost it is:
When crept into its nest,
Its hand on father's shoulder laid,
Its head on mother's breast,
It watches each familiar face,
With a tranquil, trusting eye;
And, like a sleepy little bird,
Sings its own soft lullaby.

Then those who feigned to sleep before,
Lest baby play till dawn,
Wake and watch their folded flower
Little rose without a thorn.
And, in the silence of the night,
The hearts that love it most
Pray tenderly above its sleep,
"God bless our little ghost!" 

officially created by,
Louisa May Alcott

posted by, azureen ibrahim


by: William Cullen Bryant

Gazed upon the glorious sky
And the green mountains round,
And thought that when I came to lie
At rest within the ground,
'T were pleasant, that in flowery June,
When brooks send up a cheerful tune,
And groves a joyous sound,
The sexton's hand, my grave to make,
The rich, green mountain-turf should break.

A cell within the frozen mould,
A coffin borne through sleet,
And icy clods above it rolled,
While fierce the tempests beat--
Away!--I will not think of these--
Blue be the sky and soft the breeze,
Earth green beneath the feet,
And be the damp mould gently pressed
Into my narrow place of rest.

There through the long, long summer hours
The golden light should lie,
And thick young herbs and groups of flowers
Stand in their beauty by.
The oriole should build and tell
His love-tale close beside my cell;
The idle butterfly
Should rest him there, and there be heard
The housewife bee and humming-bird.

And what if cheerful shouts at noon
Come, from the village sent,
Or song of maids, beneath the moon
With fairy laughter blent?
And what if, in the evening light,
Betrothèd lovers walk in sight
Of my low monument?
I would the lovely scene around
Might know no sadder sight nor sound.

I know that I no more should see
The season's glorious show,
Nor would its brightness shine for me,
Nor its wild music flow;
But if, around my place of sleep,
The friends I love should come to weep,
They might not haste to go.
Soft airs, and song, and light, and bloom
Should keep them lingering by my tomb.

These to their softened hearts should bear
The thought of what has been,
And speak of one who cannot share
The gladness of the scene;
Whose part, in all the pomp that fills
The circuit of the summer hills,
Is that his grave is green;
And deeply would their hearts rejoice
To hear again his living voice. 

posted by, azureen ibrahim


Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance
Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive 

posted by, syahirah najwa

New Years Eve

There are only two things now,
The great black night scooped out
And this fire-glow.

This fire-glow, the core,
And we the two ripe pips
That are held in store.

Listen, the darkness rings
As it circulates round our fire.
Take off your things.

Your shoulders, your bruised throat!
Your breasts, your nakedness!
This fiery coat!

As the darkness flickers and dips,
As the firelight falls and leaps
From your feet to your lips!

officially created by,
D. H. Lawrence

posted by, azureen ibrahim.

Rain Before Dawn

The dull, faint patter in the drooping hours
Drifts in upon my sleep and fills my hair
With damp; the burden of the heavy air
Is strewn upon me where my tired soul cowers,
Shrinking like some lone queen in empty towers
Dying. Blind with unrest I grow aware:
The pounding of broad wings drifts down the stair
And sates me like the heavy scent of flowers.

I lie upon my heart. My eyes like hands
Grip at the soggy pillow. Now the dawn
Tears from her wetted breast the splattered blouse
Of night; lead-eyed and moist she straggles o'er the lawn,
Between the curtains brooding stares and stands
Like some drenched swimmer -- Death's within the house! 

 officially created by,
F. Scott Fitzgerald

posted by, azureen ibrahim

School just School

School we need it
school, friends
school you have teachers
school is great
high school is even better
college, PARITES

school you mite find your true love
new experiences everyday
school, dances
school just school
school who dose not love it
school is fun

school, preps
school, classes
school, math, science, computer classes
school is great love it
school just school
we need school 

posted by, syahirah najwa

My Best Friend

A friend like you is like no other friend
Your a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend i cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life,
A friend that i dont want to lose,
A friend i always wanted,
A friend like you is random and funny,
A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go,
A friend like you i can tell all my secrets to.
A friend like you
A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted,
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up,
A friend that opens up my eyes and helps me in times of depression and sadness,
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do,
A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend and for you I would give my life.
No matter what. You are my friend, and I love u. 

posted by, syahirah najwa

Afternoon In School

Afternoon in School
The Last Lesson
When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?
How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart
My pack of unruly hounds: I cannot start
Them again on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt,
I can haul them and urge them no more.
No more can I endure to bear the brunt
Of the books that lie out on the desks: a full three score
Of several insults of blotted pages and scrawl
Of slovenly work that they have offered me.
I am sick, and tired more than any thrall
Upon the woodstacks working weariedly.

And shall I take
The last dear fuel and heap it on my soul
Till I rouse my will like a fire to consume
Their dross of indifference, and burn the scroll
Of their insults in punishment? - I will not!
I will not waste myself to embers for them,
Not all for them shall the fires of my life be hot,
For myself a heap of ashes of weariness, till sleep
Shall have raked the embers clear: I will keep
Some of my strength for myself, for if I should sell
It all for them, I should hate them -
- I will sit and wait for the bell.

officially created by,
D. H. Lawrence

posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Friend Indeed !

I have a friend, a friend in word & a friend indeed.
A friend who loves me with all friends being & I love friend too.
My friend rejuvenates me
A friend of my youth,
A friend indeed!

I have a friend in word, my friend reminds me of my purpose in life
I can exhale with my friend by my side
My friend is good to me
A friend indeed!

When my friend is gone, I miss my friend already
But my friend has gone home because I am home for now
But the truth is our home is in our friendship.
I have a friend, a friend indeed!

My friend in word is my friend indeed and my friend in need.
Friendship is all we need & we have.
I have a friend a friend indeed! 

posted by, azureen ibrahim.

The House With Nobody In it

Whenever I walk to Suffern along the Erie track
I go by a poor old farmhouse with its shingles broken and black.
I suppose I've passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute
And look at the house, the tragic house, the house with nobody in it.

I never have seen a haunted house, but I hear there are such things;
That they hold the talk of spirits, their mirth and sorrowings.
I know this house isn't haunted, and I wish it were, I do;
For it wouldn't be so lonely if it had a ghost or two.

This house on the road to Suffern needs a dozen panes of glass,
And somebody ought to weed the walk and take a scythe to the grass.
It needs new paint and shingles, and the vines should be trimmed and tied;
But what it needs the most of all is some people living inside.

If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid
I'd put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade.
I'd buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be
And I'd find some people who wanted a home and give it to them free.

Now, a new house standing empty, with staring window and door,
Looks idle, perhaps, and foolish, like a hat on its block in the store.
But there's nothing mournful about it; it cannot be sad and lone
For the lack of something within it that it has never known.

But a house that has done what a house should do,
a house that has sheltered life,
That has put its loving wooden arms around a man and his wife,
A house that has echoed a baby's laugh and held up his stumbling feet,
Is the saddest sight, when it's left alone, that ever your eyes could meet.

So whenever I go to Suffern along the Erie track
I never go by the empty house without stopping and looking back,
Yet it hurts me to look at the crumbling roof and the shutters fallen apart,
For I can't help thinking the poor old house is a house with a broken heart.

officially created by,
Joyce Kilmer

                                       posted by, azureen ibrahim

A Friend Like You

A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend like you is like a friend i cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that i dont want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend i always wanted
A friend like you is awesomly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go
A friend like you is a friend i can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you..
A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted
A friend that i can go to to tell them whats wrong
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do
A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend... 

officially created by, Nadine Rose
 posted by, azureen ibrahim

Love and Friendship

Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree—
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green. 

                                                                   officially created by,
                                                             Emily Bronte.

posted by, azureen ibrahim

Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away!

Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng.

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea,
Mermaids are chaunting the wild lorelie;
Over the streamlet vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.

Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

                                                                                 officially created by,
                                                                                  Stephen Foster.

posted by, 
azureen ibrahim.